Susan has come so far in her journey of strength with increased mobility. She's a determined, strong 70 year old woman. An inspiration for herself and others. she always does whats needed for a sustainable lifestyle.

Diana Rolston

Heather Berghuis

This is Helen, a 64 year old grandma, mother, wife and friend who has found more and more opportunities by unlocking her full potential. She is a beautiful, strong woman who has chosen her own path to enable her to do the things she wants to do!

Cheryl Batchelor

Bev Cordukes


“I am over the moon on how much Sustainable Wellness Now has helped me. The stretching I do with Virginia every morning has helped my body, my mind and my soul. I am moving from stiff and tight to mobile and flexible. I have a jump in my step and I feel alive again! I’m not just existing anymore, I’m living!”

— Tina


I have been attending classes for almost 10 months and have really benefited from the stretching and lengthening in my over all flexibility. I have 7 grandchildren that I want to be active with and these classes have helped with my ability to play and get down to their level more easily. I love the accountability and encouragement that is offered through the classes. Thanks Virginia.

- Helen