• No, Essentrics® is very different from Yoga. The Essentrics® technique uses “eccentric” muscle contractions to simultaneously strengthen and stretch every muscle in the body. An Essentrics® workout consists of dynamic movement - which means that you’ll never stop moving during the workout. Although we don’t focus on meditation or spirituality, Essentrics® is still a complimentary workout to Yoga, as it helps to rebalance the full-body, increase flexibility and mobility.

  • Not really. Essentrics® is mildly influenced by the flowing movements of tai chi, in which both techniques use smooth, simultaneous “unbroken” movements to rebalance the musculature of the body, improve balance and increase flexibility. Essentrics® does not incorporate meditation, martial arts, and self-defence.

  • Not really. Ballet is a form of performance dance - Essentrics® is not. The founder of the Essentrics® technique, Miranda Esmonde-White, was a professional ballerina in her past and used the strengthening theories behind ballet to develop the program over 20 years ago. The goal was to create a therapeutic and healing program that would produce long, lean muscles and a dancer’s body.

  • Very unlikely. Essentrics® is a gentle, safe, low impact workout that is respectful to the body; no weights or equipment are used. It is recommended for men and women of all ages and fitness levels who are looking to strengthen and stretch their entire body. With that said - if you are suffering from chronic pain, an injury or illness - it’s important to check with your physician before starting any new exercise regimen. We have many clients who suffer from a variety of health issues who do our technique on a daily basis who have been helped and cured by practicing the Essentrics® technique for 23-30 minutes each day.

    With any type of exercise, it is vital to listen to your own body and move to your own capacity. If you’re new to the technique, have been sedentary for a while or suffer from any health issues - we do recommend you do our workout “loose like a ragdoll” until you begin to build strength in your muscles. If a movement ever feels painful or uncomfortable, it’s best to stop that particular movement. It may be that you are pushing yourself too deep in that exercise. Try again another time more “loosely and gently” to see if this helps. Depending on your health issue, there may be certain exercises that need to be tweaked or eliminated from your workout until you begin to heal any existing pain or injury.

  • As long as you have muscles and tendons, you will benefit from the Essentrics® technique! Essentrics® works the entire body - all 650 muscles in one workout: toning and slenderizing, improving posture, increasing flexibility, mobility and range of motion, rebalancing the body, relieving any pain and reducing any existing scar tissue in joints and muscles - all the while promoting a healthy cardiovascular system.

    Incorporating Essentrics® into your daily routine will allow you to continue to do the physical activities that you love to do - no matter your age - for the rest of your life. Reason being that this type of full-body movement will prevent muscle atrophy and cell death, and help slow down and reverse the ageing process. It is a great complementary or stand-alone workout, that helps to improve overall performance in other activities or sports.

  • Immediately! After only one 23-minute workout - you’ll feel lighter, more limber and notice a difference in your posture. Many people who suffer from pain or joint stiffness end up feeling mild to complete relief after completing a workout.

    For weight loss, it’s important to develop healthy eating habits, along with exercising on a regular basis.

  • 6 students in studio and 8 to 12 students online. Hybrid classes are offered.

  • Unlock your body with a 45-minute group class 2 to 3 times per week. Increase your flexibility, range of motion and prevent injuries with these effective stretch workouts.

    Experience a fun and dynamic virtual or in-studio group setting facilitated by a Level 4 Essentrics® instructor. With a diverse music playlist accompanying each routine, this equipment-free workout leaves you feeling energized, youthful and healthy!

    A typical session includes the following:

    • 5 minutes before class to review specific exercises, ask questions and connect with the instructor and other participants

    • 45 minute guided class

    • 5 minutes to celebrate sustainable movement, wrap up, review specific exercises and ask questions

  • According to Harvard Medical School stretching promotes flexibility and helps your joints maintain a healthy range of motion - and in doing so, also lowers the chances of joint and muscle strain. Healthy adults should do flexibility exercises for all major muscle-tendon groups - neck, shoulders, chest, trunk, lower back, hips, legs, and ankles - at least two to three times a week.